Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Weigh In

Today's the day! The FINAL weigh in. I have always been a fan of the Biggest Loser on NBC. When the idea came about to do a weight loss challenge at my work, I was all for it! Being a fairly competitive person, (some people will laugh at the word fairly) I entered to win! Now mind you I am 5'9'' and I ate like a Queen for a week before the competition started so I'd be able to lose more weight and therefore have a better percentage. I started the competition at 175 pounds. Some people are scared of saying how much they weigh. I am very comfortable with my body, therefore I have no problem with it. I started out being about 20-23% body fat and 38% muscle. Today I am 152 lbs 14% body fat and almost 45% muscle. My goal was 150 lbs. I almost made it! I am getting ready to go into work and do my final weigh in. I haven't drank anything for about 12 hours and I am starving! One day of unhealthiness for the sake of competition.  I'll let you all know the results when I get them!

This experience has taught me so much. I have always been an athletic girl who enjoys working out and knowing what is in the food I eat. This competition has made me even more aware of the consequences of being overweight. I am now a HUGE advocate of fitness and nutrition. The obesity epidemic in our country is SCARY! Not only is it very unhealthy for the person that is overweight, but it effects their family, and also their job. It is known that people that are overweight or unhealthy do not perform as well on a daily basis at their job. People say they don't have TIME to workout. This is an excuse. People say they don't have MONEY to eat healthy. Another excuse. I can go on but I will digress. The excuses are endless. I am a 23 year old college graduate with a part-time job where I work 25-30 hours a week. I just bought a brand new 2010 Nissan Rogue in May and have not started paying student loans as well as rent, utilities, and other expenses. It's possible people. I put my health first. I decided that my health was the one thing I could control in my life. That is what I did! I could go on and on, but have decided that is enough for today. If you have any questions of how I did it or what I did to lose the weight ask me. I have a spreadsheet with my diet plan and workouts logged for the entire 3 months! Trust me you'll be surprised what i ate! :) I love being healthy and nutrition, but my other love is FOOD! :)

Ta Ta for now!

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